
Finishing Touches before Indy Comic Con

I’m just putting the finishing touches on my latest hand-made dice trays. These will be available at the show this coming weekend or by special order through the my website. I started out favoring the purple heart wood, but the sheen I’m getting from blood wood has almost won me over. You decide which is your favorite. I’m using a Tung Oil finish on the dice trays to give them warmer, richer wood finish.

Deck boxes are being engraved now, and hope to have them finished early this week. I’ll post some pics of that later. The deck boxes will be finished in Polyacrylic for durability and speed.

Up Next, Indy Comic Con

2021 Indy Comic Con Exhibitors Map — I’m in Booth 1036

Well, its barely been two weeks since GenCon 2021, and we’re gearing up for the next big show, Indy Comic Con. It will be held likewise at the Indianapolis Convention Center. I believe there are still tickets available at https://indianacomicconvention.com/. This year’s guests include the legendary William (Capt. Kirk) Shatner.

As you can see, I’m busy getting new product ready for the show. I’ve added some exotic woods to the dice trays and deck boxes including, Bloodwood, Purple Heart, Padauk and Hard Maple in addition to the Poplar, Oak and Aspen offerings I already have.

We’ll also be demoing games along side our friend Scott from SnyderGaming.com, as well as a few surprises.

Come find us at Booth 1036, smack in the middle of the exhibit hall.

Gencon 2021, Day 4 Family Day

Well today is the last day of GenCon 2021. It’s family day so the ticket prices are reduced to $5. Come on downtown and enjoy some fun at the convention center. We have free dice and meeples for the little ones — while supplies last of course.

I’ll be honest, yesterday was a bit of a downer. While the exhibit hall was fuller, we saw less people at our booth. We really need a good showing to finish the Con strong. Otherwise, packing up is going to be a chore.

GenCon 2021, Day 3

We’re back for day 3 of GenCon 2021. So far this morning I am seeing lots of cosplayers. Saturday is the biggest day so we’re looking to meet a lot of new friends.

We are running short on softcover Book 5s so if you’re heart is set on a set, then get here soon. I don’t expect them to last the day. We do have some hard covers available as well.

GenCon 2021, Day 2

Good day everyone. Indiana Matt here and we’re kicking off Day 2. I don’t normally cosplay, and what I’m wearing might not even qualify, but I tried.

It’s hot enough with this jacket that it should.

I’m very excited about the new friends we made yesterday. The support blew me away. You could definitely tell a difference in the attendance from a quantity standpoint, but the overall attitude of everyone is great.

If you’re in the neighborhood stop in and say hi!

GenCon 2021 / The Game Collector Launch

It’s been two years and change since the last GenCon hit Indianapolis’ Convention Center. This week, it returns with tempered celebration. By tempered, I mean that there will be fewer attendees, fewer vendors, and fewer hours to spend during the Four Greatest Days in Gaming.

Still, I’m excited to be there in Author’s Avenue again. Come see me and Kat at booth J. In 2019, we ran out of Book 1 by early Sunday Morning. We’ve stocked up, but it would be really exciting to see it happen again this year. So, tell all of your fantasy reading friends, to stop by and get an autographed copy of Guardians of the Silverwood.

For all of you gaming aficionados, today I launched The Game Collector app for Android devices on Google Play Store and soon Amazon Market Place. This app allows you to store you personal board game/card game (any game really) collection, and keep track of players and games played.

If you can’t make it to GenCon, we are currently planning on attending Indy Comic Con in October along with Snyder Gaming. Looking forward to seeing old and new friends alike.

Thank you Inconjunction

Well, Inconjunction 40 is a wrap. Everyone had a great time. Attendance was down from previous years and that could be for one of a dozen reasons. All in all, we had fun and met a lot of new faces. A special shout-out to the Vendor Hall coordinator, Lynette Cowper. She made sure we had everything we needed and was super organized.

Looking forward to next year! Next up, Gencon and Indiana Comic Con!

Let the CON season begin! (at last)

It has been a long hiatus due to the COVID plague that has impacted all of us, but I’m am looking forward to my first convention in a while, Inconjunction 40. It’s hard to believe this little con has been around for 40 years, but its a staple in Indiana.
The con runs Friday afternoon through Sunday afternoon this weekend, July 2nd – 4th. Expo hall hours are 2pm-7pm on Friday, 10am-6pm Saturday, and 11am – 3pm Sunday.

Silverwood Game Box

This will be the first con where I will have copies of the Silverwood board game for purchase, so stop by the booth and let me demo it for you.

Also, book 5, Savior of Dayspring, gets its first real taste of convention life. To celebrate the completion of the Silverwood Chronicles, I have a limited number of collector’s bookcases sized to fit the 6 books in the series and emblazoned with the Silverwood logo on the side.

Super Computer Box Cover

Super Computer will also be available including both the Security Expansion and the Retro Expansion sets. This easy to learn, fast-paced game would be a fantastic addition to anyone’s game cabinet. You can also get a sneak peak at the next expansion, the Bloatware Expansion.

All of this, plus Silverwolf Illustrations will be there showing of her latest artwork, as well as other small gaming surprises.

And if that wasn’t enough, my buddy Scott from SnyderGaming.Com will be there with a tableful of original games like Escape from Zombie City, 1st to 20, and his newest Challenger. Be sure to stop by and tell him I sent you!

Book Launch, Savior of Dayspring

The latest book in the Silverwood Chronicles series is done and we will be launching it at the Monroe County Fairgrounds during the Christmas at the Fairgrounds Gift Show on November 14th, 9am-3pm. I will be signing books and answering questions about the series.

We will also be showcasing my card game, Super Computer and the latest expansion. There will be great deals for the holidays, so I hope you will plan on stopping by and seeing what we have to offer.