
Post GenCon 2024 – Recap

Post GenCon 2024 – Recap

The leadup to GenCon 2024 was crazy-busy for us. We had hoped that it would be a successful show, but the level of response we received was overwhelming. What this meant was that the last 3 weeks post GenCon has been very busy as well as we worked on the 60 or so items that were custom ordered from the show. At this time, I’m happy to report that all but 3 items are shipped or sitting in the proverbial mailbox waiting to be shipped. The last 3 items should be ready to go tomorrow. Given that we had several special new designs, around 8 different species of wood to order and a range of product types, I feel we managed to keep our response time well within reason. We typically promise 3 weeks, toward the end of GenCon we started hedging our timeline with 4-5 weeks, but it looks like we’re going to be well within 4 weeks for everything. Thank you for your orders.

GenCon Post Production Images

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Without getting into too much detail, I thought I would share some stats with you, just in case you’re interested. If not, skip down a couple of paragraphs. We sold 467 individual items during the weekend. Our newest product line — the ScoreKeeper Score Cards — did incredibly well, we sold 125 units. Of those, 61 of those were the DnD Character Sheets. The Phase 10 trackers were the next most popular, followed by Euchre and Rummy. Honarable mention goes to our non-existant Cribbage tracker — 0 sold. I say this because we must have had 100+ inquiries regarding a Cribbage board. Needless to say, we now have a Cribbage board and it will be available on our store page this week. I am still working on Cribbage set, which will include a storage case to keep your cards and such.

Our Pocket Towers continue to be a hot item, as we sold 81 in various wood species. Our standard dice trays were close behind with 80 units sold and our standard towers clocked in at 60 units. Our Modular Game Master Screens sold a total of 7 units. The biggest surprise and disappointment was our Deck Box sales. This was one area where I thought we would do much better, but ended up only selling about 21 units. Regardless, we were amazing at the response and support we had during the show.

Our 8′ tall dice turrent was a big draw. I saw countless people strolling down the hall just having a grand ol’ time and their eye would catch our big dice turrent. Some would recognize it immediately and respond accordingly with phrases like — wow, that’s huge, or I gotta try that. Others responded in disbelief or curiousity. Some even wondered if it was for sale. While we never put an “official” price tag on it, we offered it to several people, but noone came back on Sunday to pick it up. Oh well, I guess we can keep it and show it off to our other Con guests.

We also had some great booth-buddies. We were next to the creators of Flock Together which is a fun cooperative board game. It is chicken-themed which lends itself to some great puns scattered throughout. Congrats to them for selling out during the show. We managed to snag a copy before they disappeared and got the creator’s autographs on the box. Besides that, they were great people to chat with and we had a lot of fun hearing all of the chicken jokes.

We’re already excited for next year. The hope is we will be able to return with more and new product ideas, so stay tuned for updates.



Matthew Graphman is a thirty year veteran in the information technology world. He studied writing, drama, as well as computers while attending Bob Jones University in the late 80’s and early 90’s. There he met his wife, Wendy, of twenty-five years and started a family. He currently resides in Bloomington, Indiana with his wife and two children, Kathryn (Kat) and Ethan. His oldest son, Sean, is married and lives on the East Coast. Matthew has long been a fan of fantasy fiction. His first attempt at writing was brought on by his roommates in college. As a result, he wrote his first - still unpublished - fantasy novel. After graduating, Matthew continued his writing exploits, but his focus was mostly around theater. After developing a series of children's skits in the 2000's, he was encouraged to take the skits and convert them into a series of children's chapter books. To date, he has written five of the fifteen stories in the "Chel & Riley Adventures" series. Taking a break from creating children's fiction and drama, Matthew decided to reach back, at the request from his daughter Kat, and create a fantasy world that mixed all of her favorite thematic elements. This series is currently outlined to cover five volumes; however, he is convinced that there could be many more stories that evolve out of this new universe. Matthew is a recent winner of the 2016 and 2017 NaNoWriMo challenge.